How Much Does It Cost To Fix a Loose Stone in a Ring?

No matter how careful you are, the stones in rings will likely become loose eventually, and you’ll need to tighten them so that they don’t fall out. Luckily, the fix isn’t too expensive.

It costs anywhere from $40 to $200 or more to fix a loose stone in a ring. The price depends on the jeweler, the ring setting, the number of prongs that need fixing, the size of the stone, the stone cut, and the type of stone.  

In the rest of this article, I’ll discuss the factors that influence how much it costs to fix a loose stone, and I’ll explain how loose stones are fixed. Let’s get to it!  

Factors That Determine How Much It Costs To Fix a Loose Stone in a Ring 

The cost of fixing a loose stone in a ring varies depending on the jeweler, the type of setting the ring is in, the number of prongs that need adjustment, the size of the stone, the cut of the stone, and the type of stone. 

After considering these factors, fixing a loose stone in a ring costs anywhere from $40 to more than $200. If you have a ring with a large, multi-carat diamond in a complicated prong setting, you’ll have to pay more to fix it than if you had a simpler setting with a small stone. 

Let’s take a closer look at each of these factors: 

  • Jeweler. Some jewelers charge more for fixing a loose stone than others. Fancier, more well-known jewelers can typically charge more for their services than those who are just starting out. If you want to save a little money and the ring you’re trying to fix isn’t incredibly important or sentimental to you, I’d recommend looking for a new jeweler with lower prices. 
  • Ring setting. The ring setting determines how many prongs there are and how much time the jeweler will take to tighten them and secure the stone better. There are many kinds of ring settings, including claw, rubover bezel, solitaire, tiffany, cathedral, and solitaire. 
  • Number of prongs. A prong is a piece of metal that holds the stone in the ring in place. Most rings have four, six, or eight prongs holding the stone, and the cost of fixing a loose stone largely depends on how many prongs the jeweler will need to work on and adjust.   
  • Size of the stone. Larger stones are more difficult to keep in place, so if the ring has a large stone (such as a multi-carat diamond), you’ll have to pay more once it gets loose because the jeweler will have to spend more time and effort on the job. 
  • Cut of the stone. The stone’s shape determines how it sits in the ring and where the prongs hold onto it and keep it in place. Some cuttings are more difficult than others to keep secure, so these cuts usually cost more to tighten. 
  • Type of stone. Jewelers often charge more for more valuable or delicate stones than those that aren’t as fragile and therefore don’t require as much caution or time. 

Some rings will cost more to fix than others because of the work and attention to detail required to adjust the stone and tighten the prongs.    

How To Tighten a Stone in a Ring 

Tightening a stone in a ring is a difficult task only experienced jewelers should attempt. If you notice that your stone is loose, take the ring off. If you keep wearing the ring, you risk making it even looser and losing the stone completely. Then, put the ring in a safe place until you can take it to a jeweler. 

Jewelers follow these steps to tighten stones in rings: 

  1. Use chain nose pliers to pull the prongs into place so that they’re all parallel and point to the top of the stone. 
  2. Push the prong inward toward the stone. 
  3. Push the prong tip down toward the stone using stone setting pliers. 
  4. Place the long jaw of the prong under the setting. 
  5. Move the grooved jaw above the setting. 
  6. Place pressure on the prong so that it stays against the stone and doesn’t recoil. 

It’s very easy to damage a ring and a stone while attempting to tighten it, so if you aren’t experienced, you should leave this task to professionals. 

How To Prevent Your Stones From Getting Loose

All rings experience wear and tear with time; no matter what, you’ll probably experience some loose stones now and then. However, there are some things you can do to prevent the stones from getting loose in the first place, thereby eliminating the need to take the ring to a jeweler in the first place. Here are some suggestions: 

  • Take the ring off while doing certain activities. Some activities, such as gardening and working out, can be hard on a ring and cause loosening. You should remove your ring before doing these tasks so that you don’t bump it as much or cause damage. 
  • Don’t overexpose the ring to water. Stones get loose the more they’re exposed to water, so you should do what you can to limit how wet the ring gets. It’s not realistic to remove the ring every time you wash your hands, but you shouldn’t shower or do dishes with your ring on. 
  • Use a gentle soap. Some soaps have harsh chemicals that can damage a ring. Use soaps with ingredients you recognize so you don’t expose the metal on your ring to harmful chemicals that could eat away at it. 

Following these tips won’t eliminate the chances of the stones in your ring getting loose, but it will help extend the amount of time that can pass between tightenings without losing the stone. 


Many factors influence how much a stone tightening will cost, including the jeweler you go to, the ring’s setting, the number of prongs, and the size and cut of the stone. With all these factors in mind, you can expect to spend $40–$200 per stone to tighten them. 

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