Is It Wrong To Want a Bigger Engagement Ring?

The love of your life is kneeling before you, asking you to marry them. You’re excited, and your eyes well up, but when you look down at the tiny engagement ring, you wonder if you should postpone your answer because you want a bigger engagement ring.

It’s not wrong to ask for a bigger engagement ring, but you must ask yourself why you want the upgrade. If your partner asks you if you want a larger ring, speak your mind. But if you know that a bigger ring will be a burden, it’s best not to ask the question.

Asking your fiancé for a bigger ring is never easy, and sometimes, it’s best not to broach the subject. Knowing your motivations for wanting a bigger ring and what a ring symbolizes in a relationship should guide you on whether you should keep quiet or speak your mind. Read on to learn when wanting a bigger engagement ring is wrong.

Are Bigger Engagement Rings Better?

Bigger engagement rings are not necessarily better. An engagement ring symbolizes your partner’s devotion and commitment to you, but its size, shape, and cost do not affect the quality of his love or commitment. 

Equating your partner’s love with the engagement ring’s size is wrong.

Unfortunately, society today has put so much value on material objects like engagement rings, taking the focus away from the things about a relationship that matters, such as loyalty, commitment, and hard work. 

None of these crucial qualities are guaranteed when a person spends a lot of money on a big, shiny engagement ring. And even if you do have a bigger engagement ring, will your relationship last as long as that ring?

When You Shouldn’t Ask for a Bigger Engagement Ring

If you’re thinking of asking your partner for a bigger engagement ring, it’s helpful to do a quick self-evaluation first. Then, ask yourself why you want something bigger or if it matters in your relationship in the long run.

If your significant other has always been open to you about getting a bigger ring, should you want it, then, by all means, go to the jewelry store and make your pick. But that’s not always the case. Usually, your fiancé saved up a long time for the ring, handpicked it for you, and hoped that you would be happy when they gave it to you.

When is it okay to ask for a bigger ring? 

If you have a valid reason for asking, such as if the style doesn’t suit you or it’s too small for your finger, it is likely ok to ask for a bigger engagement ring. But imagine the heartbreak when you say you’re not pleased with it. 

Your partner loves you and would do anything you ask, so you just want to save the request for an upgrade if you truly need it.

Let’s look at a few cases when you shouldn’t ask for a more expensive ring.

The Upgrade Causes a Financial Burden

If you’re talking about marriage, you have most likely been together for quite a while, and you already know this person and probably know where they stand financially. That said, even if your partner is stable financially, it may hurt their pocket to buy an engagement ring, even a small one because they don’t come cheap.

So if you know that you’ll be putting your partner under too much of a financial burden by asking for a bigger ring, then it’s best not to talk about it. 

You Want a Bigger Ring To Impress People

Ask yourself why you want a bigger ring. If you discover when you’re being honest that you’re only concerned that people will not be impressed, then perhaps you should stick with the ring on your finger.

The ring symbolizes your partner’s commitment and love for you, and it doesn’t matter what people say. So instead of worrying about someone not agreeing with your partner’s ring choice, try to remember how much effort, money, and time it took for your fiancé to buy you a ring and commit to you. 

Your Ring Size Feels More Important Than Your Love

Another reason it’s wrong to ask for a bigger ring is when the engagement ring starts to feel more important than the person who committed to you. Are you beginning to be displeased with them just because the ring wasn’t the size you wanted?

If that’s the case, there’s probably something else wrong with your relationship than your partner’s taste in jewelry. Maybe you need to evaluate whether you care about this person or if you’re in the relationship for the objects you enjoy because of it.

The Ring Could Get Damaged While You’re Working

If you like getting your hands dirty, doing manual labor, doing DIY construction projects, or enjoying water sports, it’s probably better to stick with a smaller engagement ring. So staying with a smaller size is especially important if you’re not fond of wearing jewelry and often forget that you have a ring on.

It wouldn’t be a good idea to risk ruining your engagement ring while doing yard work or swimming laps in the pool. 

That diamond may look lovely, but it’s not as sturdy as you want it to be, and if you scrape it on a rough concrete wall or accidentally hit it with a hammer, your ring is damaged. Therefore, if you know that your job or hobbies pose a threat to a larger piece of jewelry, you may want to stick with the one you received.


Whatever your ring size, what truly matters is your love for one another and your willingness to work through the hard times to make your relationship last. Remember that a proposal is only a step into a marriage that will last for the rest of your life. 

So instead of becoming too focused on how your ring looks, it’s much better to set your priorities straight and put more weight on the truly important things.

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