Is It Possible To Return an Engagement Ring?

Engagement rings are often expensive, so choosing one your significant other will love is essential. If you no longer need the engagement ring or your partner doesn’t like it, you might wonder if it’s possible to return it.

It’s possible to return an engagement ring if it isn’t damaged and the retailer has a return policy. The best thing to do is check with the seller to ensure they can fully refund a return. Be sure to have the original box and documentation if you want to sell the ring.

Returning an engagement ring is a big decision, so knowing the most important details is essential. This article will discuss returning engagement rings in detail, so keep reading to learn more.

Returning Your Engagement Ring: What You Need To Know

Below are some of the essential tips for returning an engagement ring.

Retailers’ Return Policies Can Differ

Firstly, it’s a good idea to check the engagement ring retailer’s return policy, whether online or in person. Ideally, you should check this before making the purchase, but the return policy can easily be found on the website or bottom of the receipt in most instances.

The return policy for an engagement ring is often similar to a return policy for anything else, but it will largely depend on the vendor. For example, one vendor might have a 60-day return policy, while another might only give you 30 days.

If you check the return policy and realize there is none or it’s already passed, you should still contact the vendor to see if they can take it. Who knows–you could get lucky and get some or all of your money back, so it’s worth a try!

Tiffany & Co. has a return policy of 30 days in the US, and each return must be accompanied by the original receipt. It also offers free return shipping, handy if you purchase a ring online.

Another jeweler that offers a 30-day return policy is Jared–returns can be made online or in person.

Some Vendors Might Only Offer an Exchange or Store Credit

Although many jewelers will offer a refund, not all will. For example, you might realize you’re only entitled to an exchange or store credit upon trying to return the ring, which may or may not be helpful to you.

Therefore, you must refrain from assuming you can get a refund (even if it’s been under 30 days) because different vendors have different rules.

Keeping the Original Documentation Is Vital

Engagement rings are usually expensive, often containing real diamonds and other costly materials. 

As a result, the more expensive and luxurious rings will come with documentation that verifies them to be legit. For example, rings with real diamonds often come with a certificate.

You may also receive a handbook and other documentation, all of which you should keep in a safe place in case you need to return it later.

The original sales receipt is one of the most critical pieces of documentation you should keep safe because it proves when and where you purchased the ring. It also confirms the amount it was sold for, which will assist the jeweler in giving you the correct refund.

Many vendors will have policies that state a return will only be granted if the original documentation (mainly the receipt) is available. 

If you ordered the ring online, you most likely received a receipt in your email. Some physical stores may also offer to send you an email receipt upon purchase, which is handy because you don’t have to worry about losing it! 

Keeping the Ring in Good Condition Is Essential

While having the original documentation is essential, it’s also vital that you keep the ring itself in good condition. Most vendors won’t accept an engagement ring that looks worn or damaged in any way because it will decrease the resale value

If you’re returning the ring shortly after purchasing, it’s unlikely to be damaged or worn, so this shouldn’t be much of an issue. 

The Sooner You Try To Return It, the Better

To increase your chance of receiving a full refund, return the engagement ring as soon as possible. Since many return policies last 30 days, it’s essential to make a decision quickly.

Let’s say you’re buying an engagement ring for your partner as a surprise and aren’t 100% sure they’ll like it. In that case, the best thing to do is purchase the ring close to the time you plan on giving it to your partner (i.e., within 30 days). 

If they don’t like the ring and want to return or exchange it for a different one, you’ll have enough time to return it. 

There’s little point in purchasing an expensive engagement ring months before the proposal if you’re not sure they will actually like it because it significantly decreases your chances of getting all your money back.

There Are Other Options Available

If the original vendor doesn’t accept a return, consider other options, the most common being a third-party jeweler. You likely will get less when selling an engagement ring to a different jeweler, but it’s certainly better than nothing.

Visiting different jewelers to get quotes is the best idea because you might notice one offers more than the other. The place you bought it from may also accept the ring at a discounted price if there are signs of wear or the return policy has passed.

Can You Get the Full Price Back for an Engagement Ring?

You can sometimes get the full price back for an engagement ring, but it depends on several factors, including:

  • The overall condition of the ring
  • Whether or not you have the original packaging and documents
  • How long it has been since the purchase
  • The company’s refund policy

Your best bet is to return the ring promptly. Waiting months or years to return an engagement ring will hugely decrease your chances of getting all your money back (unless it’s a high-value ring that retains its value).

Can You Exchange an Engagement Ring?

You might be able to exchange an engagement ring, but it depends on the store/jeweler. The engagement ring should be in new condition with no damage if you’re interested in exchanging it for a different one. In some cases, a jeweler will only accept an exchange and won’t accept a return/refund.

If you’re interested in exchanging an engagement ring, both parties should choose a more appropriate item (i.e., you and your partner). The new ring might be more expensive, so you or your partner should pay the balance. In other cases, it might be less expensive, in which case the jeweler will likely refund the remaining amount.

Do You Have To Return an Engagement Ring After a Break-Up?

You don’t always have to return an engagement ring after a break-up, but it depends on the agreement and laws of the country or state. For example, an engagement ring is considered a conditional gift in Texas, meaning the receiver should return it to the other person if they break up before marriage.

In that case, the receiver of the ring would return it to their ex, and the ex can do with it as they please. In some cases, they may choose to keep it. In others, they might return it or sell it to a third party.

If you’ve already been married and are getting divorced, you will be able to keep the ring (in the case of Texas, for example).

Depending on the specific agreement, an engagement ring can be sold to a jeweler by the gifter or giftee.

Can You Return an Engagement Ring After a Year? Paa

You usually can’t return an engagement ring after a year because most return policies don’t cover such an extended period. In rare cases, a jeweler might accept returns after a year, but the ring must be in immaculate condition. 

As mentioned earlier, most return policies cover around 30 days, while others might cover 60 or even 90. Rarely does a return policy stretch to the year-long mark, so you’ll probably be out of luck.

Even though a return won’t be possible, you can try to sell the ring elsewhere at a discount.

How To Sell an Engagement Ring

If you can’t return the engagement ring for a refund, you may want to sell it rather than keep it. Below, I’ll discuss the main tips you should know when selling an engagement ring.

Consider Your Options

There are different selling options, the most common being a jeweler. However, you might also be interested in selling the ring online or in person at an auction

Of course, price uncertainty is the main downside to auctioning an engagement ring. You could get lucky and sell for more than expected, or someone could offer a much lower price without being outbid.

Websites like eBay offer auction options where you can set a minimum price and allow possible customers to bid against each other. You may also set your own cost and leave it until it’s sold if you’re not interested in an auction.

Consider family members, friends, or friends of friends who might also be interested in purchasing the engagement ring from you. Once you know your selling options, you can go with the one that best suits you.

Be Honest About the Condition

When selling an engagement ring–especially online–be open and transparent about the general condition of it. Being open and honest won’t apply as much if selling the engagement ring in person because the jeweler can see the state clearly by looking at it.

Also, most jewelers know how to thoroughly check a ring and other jewelry for damage and other problems before offering a price, so you’re unlikely to get away with lying or failing to mention any damage.

If selling the ring online, give it a description, including details of wear and damage. The last thing you want is to advertise it as a new engagement ring and for someone to buy it and then demand a refund when they’re not satisfied due to damage!

Don’t Always Accept the First Offer

While it’s sometimes best to accept the first offer, it’s not always a good idea. If you genuinely believe you can get more money for the engagement ring elsewhere, take that opportunity and shop around.

At the same time, be realistic and don’t refuse an offer just because you assume you can get more for it (especially if the ring has been previously worn). 

Going to a few different places to get quotes will give you an idea of how much you can get, allowing you to manage your expectations and go with the highest offer.

Be Respectful

No matter who you’re dealing with, be respectful when selling an engagement ring. If you’re offered a much lower price than expected, refrain from being rude and demanding. Instead, kindly ask why they’re offering that price and explain why you think the ring is worth more (if you have any reasons).

You might have to return to the jeweler and take their offer if you can’t find anything better, and they could refuse if you were overly rude when dealing with them.

Try To Find the Original Box 

Some jewelers/customers might be willing to spend a little more on the engagement ring if it comes with the original box because it makes it feel newer and more complete. If you’re unsure where the box is, look around the home to find it because it could earn you more money.

A ring sold in its original packaging is more desirable than a ring sold alone without a box.

Don’t Have High Expectations

Don’t expect to get as much as what you originally spent because that’s unlikely to happen, especially if there is any damage to the engagement ring. Setting high expectations will only leave you disappointed and annoyed if you don’t get a good offer, especially if the actual value is much lower than expected.

Remember: just because you originally paid $4,000 for a ring doesn’t mean you’ll get anything close to that when reselling!


Choosing and buying an engagement ring is a big deal, but sometimes, you may want to return it. Luckily, most jewelers have return policies, but their lengths will vary. While some offer 30-day returns, others may offer 60 or 90-day return policies.
When returning a ring, it should be in immaculate condition with no damage, and you should have the original receipt. If you cannot get a refund, consider selling the ring to a different jeweler or third party.

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