Is a 1 Carat Engagement Ring Too Small?

Many believe that bigger is always better when it comes to engagement rings. The media has also long since tried to convince us that the bigger the diamond, the bigger the love. But is a 1-carat ring engagement ring too small?

A 1-carat engagement ring isn’t too small. In fact, it’s the most popular size for an engagement ring. It’s also the best option for people who don’t like to wear jewelry, as it doesn’t get in the way. The size also depends on the cut, so get an oval shape if you want to make the ring look bigger. 

In the rest of this article, I will discuss the best size of an engagement ring. I will also explain why a bigger carat isn’t necessarily better and what you should consider when purchasing a diamond engagement ring.

What Is a Good Carat Size for an Engagement Ring?

There is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to engagement rings. 

The standard diamond size in the US is one carat, and the demand for this ring is so high that it made diamond sellers increase the price several times.

However, if you travel abroad, you’ll find that people spend way less money on diamond rings, as the average size in Europe is only around 0.5 carats

When it comes to engagement rings, bigger is always more expensive. A 1-carat ring can range from $3,000 to $4,500, so you could go for 0.70 or 0.90 to save money since the size difference isn’t too noticeable.

Essentially, diamonds with many carats are rare and difficult to find, making them even pricier. If you think a 1-carat engagement ring is too small, just remember that 1-carat diamonds are already one in a million.

Understanding the Fours Cs of Diamonds 

Diamond experts usually tell you to consider the four Cs when buying a diamond:

  • Carat is the first thing to look out for. Diamond experts use carats to measure the weight of diamonds. They’re not the same as karats, which are a measurement for gold, but more carats mean a higher price. 
  • Clarity is the least important out of the four Cs. It’s basically about small inclusions or diamond flaws that might make the diamond less clear. However, you often can’t see these inclusions with the naked eye, which is why clarity doesn’t mean much to an average buyer. 
  • Color is also worth considering. Some people like their diamonds with a splash of color. You can get pink, yellow, or brown, but the most valuable diamonds are colorless. 
  • Cut can mean two different things. It tells you how a diamond reflects light and about the shape, which can be an Asscher, cushion, emerald, heart, round, oval, or pear, among others. What you choose will mostly depend on your partner’s style.

The four standards mean a lot to a diamond enthusiast. However, if you’re not one, your diamond purchase should depend on how much money you can spend and your partner’s preference.

The 3-Month Salary Rule Is a Marketing Trick

There’s a 3-month salary rule that states that you need to spend three months’ worth of salary on a single engagement ring to prove to your partner that you genuinely value and respect them. 

If you’ve heard about this rule, don’t believe it because it’s just a marketing trick. In the 1930s, the De Beers corporation, one of the world’s leading diamond distributors, used the three-month salary rule as a slogan to sell their diamond rings.

Your Budget and Partner’s Taste Matter the Most

When buying an engagement ring, always stay within your budget

An engagement ring is a symbol of love and commitment. Unfortunately, people often see it as a representation of money and success.

If you and your partner are in your 20s, remember that others your age get smaller diamond sizes because many young people generally don’t earn that much yet.

Societal pressure can be tough, but don’t let it get to you. You shouldn’t buy something that you can’t afford, and you definitely don’t want to feel anxious about the cost of your partner’s engagement ring.

Consider these things when selecting a ring for your partner so that you can stay within budget:

  • What’s their finger shape?
  • What diamond shape do they prefer?
  • Do they like wearing jewelry?

You want to avoid buying something your significant other won’t like, so pay close attention to your partner’s likes and dislikes.

Some people are just not used to wearing jewelry, and having something on their finger can be uncomfortable. If that’s the case with your partner, you’ll want a smaller, lighter ring.

Forget about diamond ring trends. For instance, oval diamond rings may be popular, but while they can make the ring look bigger, they usually look better on those with shorter fingers. Round-shaped diamonds are generally a safer choice.

Ultimately, not everyone likes the same things. Your partner’s preference is the only factor that matters because they will be the one wearing that engagement ring, after all. 

Ring Setting and Band Can Make the Ring Look Better

Engagement rings can have a high or low setting, although most people think a low one looks better.

You can choose the type of metal for the ring band. You can opt for plain gold, white gold, or silver. Additionally, if you think your diamond is too modest, you can compensate by adding an extra gold or silver band below or above it.

You can also ask the jeweler if they sell the diamonds separately. If not, you can always create a custom ring to suit your taste and your partner’s preference.


A 1-carat engagement ring is neither too small nor too big. It’s the most popular size in the US and is considered a classic. 

Choosing the ideal engagement ring can be frustrating, especially since society thinks a bigger diamond is always the better option. Stay within your budget, and consider the four Cs when buying a diamond and your partner’s taste and preference.

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